First, he looks like a douche. Second, he speaks to the camera like he's talking to a 4 year old. Third, his frightening and confused look create the appearance of a drug addicted perveyor of very very illegal pornography.
I'm quite serious about all this. We immediately broke out in stitches when his image hit the screen and then got really scared. The pomade hair doo, the HUGE frightened and frightening eyes, the gaunt appearance and complexion and his child chasing demeanor. SCARY!!! Then, as he 'tawked to us wike we were stiwl in owah wittel chairs and had no idear what he might be saying', I became angry and moved my children into a safe room away from his prying eyes. I'm not a child nor is anyone else watching the Republican Response to the State of the Union Address here in 2011. Don't talk down to ME you douche bag and stop assuming your audience is so retarded we need to be spoken to like school children.
As for the content of his response, it appears Obama again was 1 step ahead of the republicans. Everything, every single point, had already been addressed in the State of the Union and NOTHING Ryan had to say contradicted or added to what Obama had just presented. It was childish name calling by a man who had run out of names to call. "He's a bad man because he's a BAD man and my father told me so and we should all hate him and not do what he says and do something else." That my friends literally sums up all of the Republican Response to tonight's State of the Union address.
If you're lucky enough to be seeing the Tea Party response instead, that at least will be original!! Angry, hateful, non-productive with hints of "you really should kill some more people" in it...but original!
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